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Saturday, March 03, 2007

Plant Seeds Which Will Grow Into Writing Opportunities

Writing Prompt

Winter relinquishes its hold reluctantly in the midwest. Just when you think old man winter is on his way to his long sleep, he turns back for a second embrace. This can be a good thing for writers. His continued presence keeps us close to home and the distractions of spring, longer days, blooming flowers and outdoor fun, at bay for just a bit longer.

Take a moment to brainstorm some spring time projects. Have you always wanted to learn more about gardening? Is there a special annual summer event about which you've always wanted to write? (Now is the time to begin your research.) If you plant seeds and tend your writing garden well (read, write--send out submissions), there will be fruit (finished manuscripts/checks) for your in-basket come summer.

Happy writing!

1 comment:

rdl said...

I was just thinking along these lines today with the time change and more light. First I thouhgt, yes at long last more light but then i thought - last chance to dive under the covers and blame ole man winter.
enjoy your blog.

Great Writing Prompt

WORDS from Everynone on Vimeo.